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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Autumn 2

This half term our class book is

'Stick Man' by Julia Donaldson

This book is an adventure story about Stick Man who gets lost from the family tree and has to find his way back through lots of different places and facing lots of adversity on the way.  

We will be exploring Geography, thinking about map work and our local area to help Stick Man to find his way back.

We will also be exploring animals and the world further thinking about how to develop our sentences with new and exciting adjectives. 

Stickman by Julia Donaldson

Our homework menu for this half term - don't forget to rbing in or email anything you create or do

Our Geography and HIstory Knowledge organisers for this half term

We concluded our Science topic by finishing our exploration of materials. We matched different materials to their properties and made an umbrella for Stickman

To finish or curriculum project we wrote about our local are visit and designed a maap to help Stickman find his way home.

Today we continued to develop our understanding of the local area by making a large scale and 3D map of the local area thinking about the key landmarks we saw on our walk including the school, shops and houses.

Stick Lady love took us on a local walk to find her husband Stick Man. We didn't find him but found so many clues along the way!

Look at this amazing image of Stickman and his family created on the IPad drawing programme!

In Science we had an initial exploration of materials. We were given some items and had to see how we could sort them, if we could work out any materials or properties. These are some of our initial ideas we came up with...

An unexpected visitor

Today we had an unexpected visitor. We met Stick Lady Love at the family tree. She was so upset and told us she could not find her husband Stick Man. She asked if we would be a search party and help her look for Stick Man. We went to our base to pack a bag and began to map out our school.

This week we made our own Stickman and Autumn art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. We used natural items and shapes to inspire our work and added different details to our stickman.