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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


Good morning Everyone

Today's activity is about sharing. The activity will help us to make equal groups which means that everyone gets the same amount of things, such as if your mummy has 6 sweets and wants to share them between her and daddy she would need to count them out one at a time, one for you, one for me." until all the sweets are gone, each person must have the same number of sweets to make it fair.  


Have a look for something that you could share between you and a family member and see if you can make sure you both end up with the same number of items. After that you try sharing the same number of things between 3 people. 

Did they all  get the same amount? If not why not?

Is it fair? Why is this fair/ not fair? How do  you know?


Challenge activity

If you have a printer at home you print out our sharing worksheet and give it ago. We have also added a challenge sheet for you to try as well. If you dont have a printer dont worry have ago at writing your answers in your special book.