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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Week 5

This week in English we read our key book 'The Great Dog Bottom Swap' by Peter Bently. It is quite a silly book where dogs hang their bottoms on hooks while they go to a fantastic ball, only for the hall to burn down and the bottoms all get mixed up!

We linked this to our big question 'I wonder who can help us?' and wrote a letter pretending to be one of the dogs thanking the fire dogs for saving our bottoms! We learned all the key features of a letter such as starting with the address and date, then saying Dear, and ending with Yours Sincerely. 


In maths we consolidated all of our place value learning. We estimated numbers on number lines and used place value charts to really visualise numbers. We watched lots of times table videos with silly songs to help us remember. 


In art, we finally got out the paints and used our abstract portrait sketches to inspire us to paint an abstract portrait. Some of us copied our original portrait, but some of us decided we could do a better one! We used lots of bold colours and shapes, just like Picasso. 


We have been doing lots of dance in PE including Just Dance videos and some toy inspired dance lessons. With Mr Parkes, 2S have been playing some outdoor team games which have been really fun and have shown us how to work together.