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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Week 9 08.06.20

Star of the Week!

Oliver Birch wins the year 5 star learner award for this amazing letter to the NHS. Well done Oliver ! yes

This week's Spellings

Serial Mash Book of the Week.

Code Breaker Mission!

Mission Resources to open before you begin this activity

Year 5 - Week 7 - Lesson 1 - Decimals as fractions

Persuasive Writing for Kids: What is It?

Year 5 - Week 7 - Lesson 2 - Understand thousandths

Year 5 - Week 7 - Lesson 3 - Rounding decimals

The Water Cycle

Year 5 - Week 7 - Lesson 4 - Order and compare decimals

Myth of Pandora's Box

Spanish 45: describing singular parts of the head

Nottstopping Singing Workshop - Ajay Henry