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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Week 3

Hello Year 2, welcome back! 

We hope that you all had an Eggsellent Easter and have had lots of fun completing some of the Easter activities set. If you did send them to us so that we can get your work on the website and see your faces. We will be setting weekly home learning for you to complete, see below for this weeks learning.

Writing- Answer the question below, make your writing as creative as possible! How many adjectives can you use to describe your destination of choice. Play the game 'I Spy' what can you find? Make a list and then write a sentence for each word!

Maths- Can you complete all the maths challenges below? Write them in your yellow book and work out the answers!

Art- draw a picture and write about what you can see in the spring. You might want to take ideas from outside on a walk or in your garden.

Science- Below is a butterfly life cycle, can you draw it and write about each stage. For an extension have a go at a frog life cycle.

Use books, computer or your adult to find out information about an octopus and create your own fact file.