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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Shared Reading


Read Chapter 3 aloud to an adult in your household. How many words/ minute did you manage?

If you are struggling then listen to the audio book below which contains chapter 3.


Questions to Discuss:

Michael's family is experiencing problems. How do we know that is the case from this chapter?


Michael felt let down by the state of the garden. How do we know that to be true?


Why do you think that (on page 6) Michael waited for a minute before going to the garage again?


In your work pack for this week, there is a checkpoint which has the date 19.1.21

Have a go at answering the questions- try and use a quote.

Start your answers with these sentence stems:

I think....

I believe...

In my opinion...

The evidence suggests....


Some children have a matching activity in their work-pack. All you have to do is match the statement with a quote and colour the matching boxes the same colour/

Skellig by David Almond, Chapters 1-4

For Year 6 'Drop Everything and Read'
Listen to chapter 3 if you are struggling to read the text