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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Spring 2

This half term our focus book is 'Room on the Broom' by Julia Donaldson. 



We introduced the story and then the children enjoyed looking at the book themselves.  We thought about the characters and what happened in the story.  The children then used the role play puppets to tell the story themselves.  They especially enjoyed pretending to be the dragon and the witch and the dragon chasing after the witch breathing out fire.


This week we celebrated World Book Day.  The children loved getting dressed up in their favourite costumes and the children had fun guessing which book they were from.  The children also had great fun creating their own reading dens at home and creating a representation from their favourite book.
This week we went on a walk around school looking for signs of Spring.  The children looked at the different flowers growing and they loved the daffodils.  We thought about the differences between the petals and thought about what a flower needs to grow.  We also thought about the different parts of the flower.