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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


Good Morning Everyone


Todays we thought we would try our Outdoor Learning Bingo activity  again, now that the rain has stopped.

The activity is to choose from the 16 activities on our Outdoor Learning Bingo card. You can do as many today as you like, remember to tick them off as you complete them so you can do the others another day. These activities are a great way of taking your learning outside, The activities include creating obstacle courses, to counting how many birds you can see in 5 minutes. If the weather is a little to wet you could have a go at building a den or fort in you house for you to enjoy your story time in later or play hide and seek inside. Lots of these activites are great for using our gross and fine motor skills as well as keeping us active and healthy.


Don't worry if you did already manage to do some of the activities this is a great chance to try some of the other ones.

Today's challenge

How many activites can you complete, which was your favourite and why?

Can you think of any different outdoor activities that we could try?