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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

See what we have been up to!

The end of our curriculum driver 

To celebrate the end of our design and technology driver we had an afternoon tea party! We made cucumber sandwiches and Eton Mess.


We were meant to make egg and cress sandwiches but our cress did not grow, so we included chives instead.


We then gathered adjectives to describe the different foods and verbally said sentences including the adjectives. 

It began hailing so we went to catch it!

Eid and Curriculum Driver

We combined our Eid celebration and curriculum driver of cooking to create some coconut sweets. We mixed icing sugar, condensed milk and coconut to make them. Once we tried them we discussed what we thought of them. Some of us liked them and some thought they were disgusting!

Frog Spawn

We have been looking after some frog spawn, exploring the changes and writing adjectives to describe them. 

Today we looked at what had happened so far and thought about what changes we had seen. We then wrote sentences including the adjectives we collected. 


This week we explored the sense of sight! We looked at optical illusions, upside images, different colour filters, closing and opening our eyes, focusing on different points and how near or far we could see. 


'I like to look at my dog because she is white a fluffy'

'I like looking at my puppy because it is cute and soft'

'I like looking at a car because it is so fast you cannot see it'

'I like looking at grass because green is my favourite colour'

'I like looking at my dad because I love him'

'I like looking at my baby sister because she is new and cute'

'I like looking at the sea because of the waves'


We have been exploring addition and subtraction in maths to consolidate our understanding. We have been comparing greater and less than numbers using the correct symbols to balance equations. 


During this science this week we began to explore the senses.

The first sense we looked at was sound. We used a coat hanger and string to make a low, deep rumbling in our ears, used musical instruments to make noise and play along with songs and listened to a range of sounds to guess what they were. 


This week we have begun writing instructions. We began by exploring what instructions are used for and why we have them, having a go at following some ourselves. We then made a cheese sandwich for our curriculum driver lesson and wrote instructions about them. Following this we made and wrote all about jam sandwiches. This is the first of many instructions we will be following during this topic. 

Food tasting 

We have tasted a range of different food this week including marmalade, lime and lemon curd.

We discussed different adjectives for the food including sweet, sour, delicious, sticky, gooey and juicy. 

We then wrote about the food and gave our opinion. 


"I like the marmalade because it is really tangy"

" The lime is sour and it is disgusting!"

The lemon curd is delicious, it tastes so sweet"


In science this week we began to think about parts of our body. 

We drew around ourselves in chalk and thought about the different parts of our body we knew, then labelled them. 

We also thought about ankles, wrists and elbows!