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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'




Today we are looking at how we can add our ideas into the example text we learned with our Talk for writing on Monday. 


Fill in the blank spaces on the newspaper report with your own ideas. For example, in the first box you need to pick 2 adjectives to describe the Space-bat-angel-dragon, so you could write colossal, petrifying or terribly hairy.


Use the pictogram data to create a bar chart.

PSHE - wellbeing activity



Magnet Hunt - In your home, outside or garden go on a MAGNET HUNT.


What can you find that is magnetic? Before you go make a prediction of 3 items you may find. Draw pictures and label the items you find.


If you have a magnet on your fridge you could use this to test the items you find.


Challenge: how do you know it is magnetic?