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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

*Summer Week 2 w/b 8/06/20

Click here to see Miss.Cantrill building a cocoon!

Go to this link to watch a video of Mrs. Barron introducing this weeks Home Learning!

Friday’s Home Learning                   

This Weeks Focus Book is …The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Click here to watch an animation.        



Watch phonics lesson 34





Click the link below, scroll right to the bottom and open the tab “summer term week commencing 4th May”.


Watch day 5’s hungry caterpillar video with a grown up.


Create your own hungry caterpillars. You could draw them, paint them or even make them out of playdough. Now compare their lengths. Which is the longest? Which is the shortest?

Take a break : Play with your toys or out in the garden for a while

Today’s Challenge

Before a caterpillar can become a butterfly it must make a cocoon to have a rest in.


Can you work as a team with your family to build a cocoon? You could wrap mummy up in scarves or your big sister up in kitchen roll.


You might want to try making different cocoons out of lots of different materials to find out which one works best as cocoon!

Follow up Activities

Print out the worksheet below on your printer or find it in your home learning pack to colour in some beautiful butterflies.


Can you remember and write some of the butterfly and caterpillar facts that we have learnt about over the past two weeks?

Story time : Click the link to listen to ‘Ruby’s Worry’- a lovely story for talking about any worries that we might have.

Thursday’s Home Learning                  

This Weeks Focus Book is …The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Click here to watch an animation.                


Watch phonics lesson 33







Watch numberblocks 20.


Working with a grown up or a sibling, challenge each other to do 20 different actions. For example, 20 star jumps. Remember to count each action that you do!


Have a go at finding different ways to make 20. Record your thinking using number sentences. For example, 10+10=20.

Take a break : Play with your toys or out in the garden for a while

Today’s Challenge

We are going to get creative by making our own butterfly prints.


  1. Fold a piece of paper in half.
  2. Open it up and paint half of a butterfly on one side.
  3. Fold it back up again and press down gently to transfer the butterfly design onto the other side.
  4. Open it up to reveal your beautiful butterfly print.


Follow up Activities

Butterflies are known for how beautifully they move. Click the link to create a dance around how other insects move.


Print out the worksheet below or find it in your home learning pack to create a symmetrical butterfly.

Story time : Click the link to listen to ‘The Mixed up Chameleon’ by Eric Carle.

Wednesday’s Home Learning                     

This Weeks Focus Book is …The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Click here to watch an animation.   


Watch phonics lesson 32



Click the link below, scroll right to the bottom and open the tab “summer term week commencing 4th May”.


Watch the day 4 hungry caterpillar video with a grown up. If you don’t have the book you can use the pictures on the video.


Imagine that you were going to have a picnic with your family. How many people would go to the picnic? What food would you have? How many plates, cups and napkins would you need? With a grown up, have a go at making a picnic list with the number that you would need next to each item.

Take a break : Play with your toys or out in the garden for a while

Today’s Challenge

Butterflies are symmetrical. This means that they look exactly the same on both sides.


Go on a symmetry hunt around your house- what can you find that is symmetrical? Play this game to help you think of ideas of what symmetrical things you might find on your hunt.  


Now have a go at creating your own symmetrical butterfly by printing out the sheet below and using the shapes to decorate the butterfly outline or you could draw your own butterfly. Remember to make it the same on both sides!

Follow up Activities

Write a list of all of the symmetrical things that you found on your symmetry hunt.


Click the link to explore the symmetry painting game.



Grab a mirror and explore symmetry in reflections.

Story time : Click the link to listen to 'Dogs Don't Do Ballet'.

Tuesday’s Home Learning            


This Weeks Focus Book is …The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Click here to watch an animation.                                


Watch phonics lesson 31






Watch Numberblocks 19.


Have a go at counting up to and then back from 19. Can you find one less and one more than 19? Have a go at using counters and objects to find different ways of making the number 19. For example, 13+6= 19. Do you notice any patterns?


Take a break : Play with your toys or out in the garden for a while

Today’s Challenge

Caterpillars and butterflies are both minibeasts. Click the link below to find out about the other minibeasts that can live in the garden. It's quite long, so just watch until you've had enough.


How many minibeasts can you remember from the video? Can you think of any different ones? Draw a picture with a label of your favourite minibeast.


Follow up Activities

Visit ‘The Bug Club’ website to find out all about different types of minibeasts. There is even a fun interactive game section where you can design and make your own minibeast.


Print out the worksheet below to label the minibeasts or have a go at drawing your own minibeasts and then labelling them.

Story time : Click the link to watch Joe Wicks read you one of his favourite stories ‘Would you like a banana?’.


Monday’s Home Learning       

This Weeks Focus Book is …The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Click here to watch an animation.                         


Watch phonics lesson 30






Click the link below, scroll right to the bottom and open the tab “Summer term week commencing 4th May”.


Watch the day 3 hungry caterpillar video with a grown up. If you don’t have the book you can use the pictures on the video.


The hungry caterpillar’s eats a lot of fruit. Work out how much fruit he would eat if he ate two days worth of fruit on one day. For example, if he ate the 3 plums from Wednesday and the 5 apples from Friday at the same time, how much fruit did he eat altogether?

Take a break : Play with your toys or out in the garden for a while

Today’s Challenge

Today we are going to have a closer look at a butterflies life cycle. Watch this episode of Andy’s Wild Adventures all about the beautiful monarch butterfly.



Now have a go at creating a timeline of what a butterfly does during its life cycle, starting with the eggs!

Follow up Activities

Go on a butterfly hunt in your back garden. How many can you see? What do you notice about them?


Click the link to order the numbers on the leaves from the smallest to the largest. The caterpillar can then eat the leaves and turn into a butterfly after his feast! The loveliest thing about this game is that you get to choose how high the numbers you order go. Why not challenge yourself?



Print out the worksheet below or find it in your Home Learning Pack to write about a butterfly’s life cycle.

Story time : The Kitchen Disco is a wonderful book that features many of the pieces of the fruit from the very hungry caterpillar. Have a listen to it here.