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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'



Match up the features of a newspaper report to the correct definitions.


Miss Finnie and Miss Barkers Group

Young, touch, double, trouble, enough, couple, tough, rough, nourish, courage, accident, accidentally, actual


Miss Moss Group

Light, night, sight, might, so, go


Maths Tasks


Our words for this week are monstrosity and foreclaw. They are both in chapter 4 of the book.


Monstrosity means something evil

Foreclaw is the front claw


Complete the vocabulary table below.


The first box is for practicing spelling the words.

The second one is to draw sound buttons underneath; sound buttons are circles or dots underneath the sounds in a word. They help us to spell by breaking up the word into the sounds.

The next box is where you will write the definitions for the words.

The box below that is where you need to find the word in the book and copy the sentence down.

Then draw a picture, and the last box you need to use the words in a sentence

Art Lesson 1

Wellbeing Task

Choose a new instrument can you learn to play a tune or new rhythm on it