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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


Week 5 - Even though the weather has been very changable this week, we have still had lots of fun outside!

Week 4 - Mrs.Rowlett took a photo of everyone on her special camera and then we wrote on things that we like.. Our photos are hanging on our tree in the classroom and it looks fabulous!

Week 3 - We have been thinking about Why we are Special. The children took selfies of themselves and then tried to choose the correct colours to paint a self portrait! The pictures are on display in our classroom and the corridor!

Week 2 - This week we talked about the characters in Funnybones. The Big Skeleton, The Little Skeleton and The Dog Skeleton. Some children had a go at drawing them with chalk on black paper. We think they look great!

Week 1- Look at all the fun things we have been doing in our first week!