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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'





Have a go at today's spelling challenge on Purple Mash. You should find this on your 2do's. Don't forget to save your work so your teacher can mark it.




Watch Mrs Bragg's English lesson here:


In today's English lesson we are going to start looking at the importance of a contents page and index page. Use the PDF of the non fiction book 'All about Animals' to answer the following questions:

1) What do penguins like to eat?

2) Name a type of shark.

3) How do planes fly?

4) How many legs do reptiles have?

One of the questions cannot be answered using this e-book. Which is it and how do you know?


Have a go at your challenge:



Today we are doing some more division, but this time we know how many we want in each group and want to find out how many groups there will be. 


Watch Miss Storer explaining how to work this out here:


Then have a go at the worksheet and challenge. 



Have a go at todays handwriting


This week we are learning all about recycling! There are so many things that we throw away in our general waste bins that could actually be recycled. 


Watch Miss Storer's lesson here:


Then have a go at the plastic bottle recycling sequencing activity. You can watch the YouTube videos underneath to help you too. 

How is plastic recycled?

This recycling plant is in America, and some of the information is only for Americans, but it is still so interesting to see how the plastic is recycled!

What really happens to the plastic you throw away

This video shows you what happens if you don't recycle your plastic and really shows us how important it is to recycle!