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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Autumn 1

Kingswood 2018

On Wednesday 10th October 41 Year 6 children went to the Kingswood Adventure Centre located in Overstrand near the pretty coastal town of Cromer.

We were exceptionally lucky to experience some of the best weather seen in October for 20 years and this made the residential an even more spectacular success.

All of the children displayed an amazing 'can do' attitude tackling a varied range of challenging activities including:

- Jacob's Ladder (a very difficult climbing activity)

- Lasers (a firm favourite in the woods around the centre)

-Archery (channelling their inner Robin Hood- TAKE AIM)

- Low Ropes (for team building)

- Bouldering

- Beach Adventure (the weather this year meant even the adults enjoyed the beach playing cricket)

- Nightline (not too muddy this year)

-Campfire fun

The behaviour of all the children, as expected, was magnificent- all of the adults were very proud of you throughout.


6PS PE Lessons

Children in 6PS have been enjoying their weekly PE sessions- I have been very impressed at some of the skills that children have been showcasing. Well done!


PE Pictures

Safety Zone - 25th September

Children will have the amazing opportunity to visit the Safety Zone at the National Water Sports Centre on the 25th September. The cost of this visit will be £3.50; this trip is invaluable as it teaches children about how to stay safe in lots of different situations.

The letter about the trip is attached below.