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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Week 6

This week we have been performing our Christmas play!

In Year 1 we were the shephards, sheep and the donkeys.

We performed two songs 'Off We Go' and 'Wise Men, Wise Men'. 

We did such an amazing job and everyone is so proud of our effort.

We hope you enjoyed coming to see us too. 

Exciting and Excellent English

This week we have been exploring rhyming words more closely, thinking about where rhyming words come in a text and completing a range of rhyming poems. 


Curious Curriculum

We also followed a set of instructions and used shapes to create a monster during our cross curricular writing session. 


Marvellous Maths

We have been exploring subtracting by two for a range of even and odd numbers. We have been using a range of strategies to work this out including ten frames, number lines and grouping.