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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'


Moring everyone,


Today we will be looking at Humpty Dumpty to see if we can find any rhyming words. Dont forget to join in with Mrs Bettridge and Polly as there are some tricker words to find in this song.

Have ago at looking at some different nursery rhymes today and see if you can find any new rhyming words.


Some of the songs you could try are:

Hey diddle diddle

Queen of hearts

Jack and Jill


Follow the link below to watch Mrs Bettridge video:

For todays maths lesson we will be looking at different sizes. Miss Brierley is looking at our charters from the Goldilocks story and matching the right beds and bowls to the different size bears.


Can you find different sized objects at home to compare? These could be things like clothes, shoes, jars or tins.


We'd love to see some photos of your work if you email them to us we will add them to the website for your friends to see.


Please follow the link below to watch Miss Brierley's video:

Mrs bettridge's story is called Cake. Its all about a cake who gets a specail invition to a party. Cake has never been to a party before so is very excited to go...i wonder what will happen...


Follow the link below to watch the video: