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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Y5 and Y6 Cross Country

On Wednesday 12th January 2022 a group of 11 Y5 and Y6 pupils went to Wollaton Park to take part in the city cross country championships. For once, the weather was glorious and more than 100 boys and 100 girls gathered near Wollaton Hall.

The girls started and they did incredibly finishing with a score of 156 which placed them in the top 8 schools.

The boys also ended up with a score of 143 which placed them in a great position in the city.

A special mention to Iveel who finished 4th in the whole city and has not been invited to represent the city at the country trials in Mansfield on the 5th of February.

Good luck Iveel- we know you will do brilliantly!