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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

The Library

Back in May we asked our school community for help in raising money to redevelop our school library. Your response was AMAZING and totally exceeded our wildest dreams for the amount of money that our whole school sponsored event raised- a tremendous £3,095.

This money has now been spent creating a far more child-friendly library and making it an inviting space to enable our pupils to develop a life-long love for reading. Children will soon be using the library regularly for classroom sessions and Mrs Adams, in charge of the school library, will be working with groups of children encouraging them to develop a love of books. The library will be open at lunchtimes and on some days after school. Look out for more updates; thank-you once more for your support. We are all truly thankful to have such supportive parents and family working together with us at Southglade Primary and Nursery School.