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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Sporting Success

This has been a very exciting week for sport at Southglade Primary School....


On Monday, a group of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils competed at a Novice Swimming Gala. They took part in a range of games and activities based in a swimming pool. They competed brilliantly and they ended up winning bronze medals.


Then on Wednesday, Southglade Primary School's fabulous basketball team competed at a city-wide basketball tournament ; this was a tournament that they had qualified for via semi-finals a few weeks earlier. Once more, the team played brilliantly with a positive mindset and completed their set of matches as an unbeaten team. Their fantastic performance led to them also winning bronze medals at this Nottingham City event.


Finally, on Thursday the PE team at Southglade Primary School were very pleased to receive a certificate to confirm that the school have been awarded the School Games gold award for our commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport in 2018/19. Well done to Miss Finnie, Mrs Hampson, Mrs Finnie and Mr Parkes for all the hard work you have put in this year to ensure that so many pupils have had the opportunity to compete in a wide variety of sporting tournaments.