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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Silent Disco

On Friday 1st of December 2023, Year 5 and 3MC- the leading classes for attendance during the proceeding 4 days- were invited to a silent disco hosted by Gem FM in our KS2 hall. Jo and Sparky from Gem FM set up the KS2 hall and the silent disco began at 2pm.

The children all had their own set of headphones that linked to Sparky; they enjoyed music including some Christmas classics from Mariah and Wham and some party tunes including Music Man and Cha Cha Slide.

The behaviour of all the children was exemplary- they even initiated a Christmas Conga; many children enjoyed a Christmas dance with Jo on the dancefloor.

This was Gem FMs first silent disco at a school and they told us that they had had the best time and that they had felt so welcome.

The children all agreed that it was the best day ever.