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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Parental Feedback from awe and wonder week open classrooms

On the 8th of January we held our termly open classrooms linked to awe and wonder week. Here is a selection of feedback from parents from that session:

"I have enjoyed spending time with my child and seeing how they have settled into their new class"


"I have enjoyed joining in with all the children and parents, having fun and working together"


"I have enjoyed interacting with the children and getting messy and creative!"


"I have enjoyed spending time with my child and seeing what he is learning about in school"


"I have enjoyed getting involved with what my child is learning about. The atmosphere was great and there was a very nice learning environment"


"I have enjoyed coming and enjoying my time here with the sociable teachers"


"I enjoyed everything. Everything was clearly explained. I would love to come again"


"I have enjoyed bonding with my son. He doesn't usually get his hands messy. I am very proud of him!"


We also noted that lots of parents would have liked an opportunity for refreshments to have been provided, for split ks1 and ks2 sessions and to have more of these type events. We will be considering these suggestions carefully for our next open classroom event  which will be on the 22nd of April.