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Southglade Primary School

'Believe to Achieve'

Gold Arts Mark Award

Southglade Primary has been awarded a prestigious Artsmark Gold Award. This is a great achievement for the staff and pupils.


Artsmark is the only creative quality standard for schools and is accredited by Arts Council England.  It is awarded after a rigorous assessment process that ensures that arts, culture and creativity are embedded across the curriculum.


Highlights of our feedback from Arts Council England include:

  • You clearly have a long-term commitment to arts and culture which is beginning to have measurable effects on staff and pupils.
  • All pupils can access a diverse and consistent range of arts and cultural provision through work with local arts and cultural organisations, both in school and on visits outside the classroom.
  • Your work with Creative Collaboratives sound really exciting and we look forward to hearing what new creative strategies are developed in school.


We look forward to developing our creative work further…


A huge thank-you to Mrs Dowse for all of her hard work and commitment to the creative arts at Southglade Primary School